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Purple Podiums

Editable Family Rules Template

8 Rules with 148 Good Childing Behaviors


Rule #1: 24 Acts to Love Your Parents at Home

 Rule # 1 

Rule #1 lists 24 acts that teaches us to respect and love our parents.


Rule #2: 13 Acts to Love Your Siblings, Elders, and Relatives

 Rule # 2 

Rule #2 lists 13 acts that teaches us to be kind to our siblings.

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Rule #3: 24 Good Habits and Manners

 Rule # 3 

Rule #3 lists 24 acts that teaches us how to interact with people and engage in daily tasks. It lists 24 good habits and manners.

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Rule #4: 15 Virtues

 Rule # 4 

Rule #4 lists 15 behaviors that teaches us to be a trustworthy person.

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Rule #5: 21 Acts to Love Your Neighbors

 Rule # 5 

Rule #5 lists 21 acts that teaches us to be a kind person.

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Rule #6: 20 Respects

 Rule # 6 

Rule #6 lists 20 respects to our parents.

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Rule #7: 16 Good Learning Habits

 Rule # 7 

Rule #7 lists 16 acts that teaches us to have good learning habits.

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Rule #8: Build 15 Elements of Wealth

 Rule # 8 

Rule #8 lists 15 elements that make our life successful.

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