Family Rules #8:1
Our physical well-being and overall fitness is the #1 element of our wealth.
Family Rules #8:2
The ability to feed ourselves and survive in the society financially. Money is a form of monetary wealth.
We must work to make money and be self-supporting as adult children. Our professional and personal achievements, such as having a career or improving our financial wellness.
Filial Love
Family Rules #8:3
Filial love is the love from a child to its parents. If this love can last a lifetime, this person is motivated in life and is rich in heart.
Virtuous Friends
Family Rules #8:4
Be close to people who challenge you and make you a better person.
Deep Relationships
Family Rules #8:5
Our social health — that is, how we behave in relationships with family members, friends, co-workers, and romantic partners.
Clear Conscience
Family Rules #8:6
Feel free of guilt or responsibility.
A knowledge or belief that you have done nothing bad or wrong.
Grateful Heart
Family Rules #8:7
A grateful heart is a source of happiness.
A grateful heart strengthens you against many of the wounds and insecurities that drag people down and damage their relationships. There are four sources for us to be grateful: your parents, your teachers, your country and you are a part of the universe.
Noble Character (Virtues)
Family Rules #8:8
Having, showing, or coming from personal qualities that people admire (such as honesty, generosity, courage, etc.)
Values are your goals and ideals of life and virtues are your behaviors showing these values with high moral standards.
Your personal characteristics demonstrated by your behaviors. When you value the right things, you protect them by practicing high morals and ethics.
Strong Self-esteem
Family Rules #8:9
Respect yourself, afford yourself value, love, dignity and autonomy.
Celebrated Reputation (Credit)
Family Rules #8:10
Credit is a valuable asset.
Continual Peace of Mind
Family Rules #8:11
Our emotional well-being and how we care for our mental health, including our resilience and self-compassion.
Meaningful Purpose (Values)
Family Rules #8:12
When we know the purpose of our life, we have goals in life and have standards of our behavior. We are motivated and self-disciplined.
Deep Spirituality
Family Rules #8:13
Having faith that is the substance or assurance of things we hope for, but have not yet received.
Long Life
Family Rules #8:14
Children who obey, honor and love their parents lay a foundation for a more joyous, stable, and God-glorifying life.
Ephesians 6:1-3
Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. HONOR YOUR FATHER AND MOTHER (which is the first commandment with a promise), SO THAT IT MAY BE WELL WITH YOU, AND THAT YOU MAY LIVE LONG ON THE EARTH.