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A Descendant Family Tree shows all children of each generation. Each tree would be different - some families have many children, and some have only one or none.


This family tree is customizable to your descendant family. The tree lists the descendants of a couple. For example: grandma and grandpa at the base of the tree, their children (and spouses) on the first level branches up, grandchildren on the second level branches up, and great-grandchildren on the third level trigs up.



The pricing for your descendant family tree will depend on the total number of names included on the tree. You must provide the information that will be included on your family tree.  You can find instructions on submitting your family names in our confirmation email after placing your order.


If you are interested in ordering, please email your family names to us asap at directly after your purchase. 


When you submit your names, follow the instruction on how to include ex-spouses and deceased spouses on the family tree and indicate that information in your email.


Please contact us if you have any concerns or questions about providing the names for your tree.


A proof of the family tree will be emailed to you before we print the tree to ensure that it meets your approval and all of the names are where they should be.

Descendant Family Tree: 4 Living Generations

  • After placing your order, you will receive an email with a name submission form. If you don't see it soon, check your junk folder. Enter your family names as directed by the form and email them to us ASAP. If you fail to submit names to us within 90 days, no refund is available.

    If you have any questions, please send us an email at

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