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Updated: Mar 25

Personal language to thanks parents: It is impossible to extend enough thanks to my family, especially my parents.
Acknowledgements to Parents (Thesis & Dissertation)

Acknowledgements to Parents (Thesis & Dissertation)

I am grateful to my parents for providing me with the necessary resources and materials to execute my thesis successfully. Their encouragement and motivation have been the driving force behind my graduation.

Acknowledgements to parents in thesis and dissertation

This journey would not have been possible without the support of my family, professors and mentors, and friends. To my family, thank you for encouraging me in all of my pursuits and inspiring me to follow my dreams. I am especially grateful to my parents, who supported me emotionally and financially. I always knew that you believed in me and wanted the best for me. Thank you for teaching me that my job in life was to learn, to be happy, and to know and understand myself; only then could I know and understand others. Thank you to my mother, XXXXXXXX, for guiding me as a person, violinist, and teacher and for offering her editing expertise throughout this process.

To my parents XXX XXX

Acknowledgements in thesis and dissertation

The pursuit of the degree of PhD is a journey full of happiness and sorrows. It would be more lonely and tougher without YOUR generous help, encouragement, company, and endless love. It is YOU who raise me up to more than I can be.

Acknowledgements in thesis and dissertation

My deep and sincere gratitude to my family for their continuous and unparalleled love, help and support. I am grateful to my sister for always being there for me as a friend. I am forever indebted to my parents for giving me the opportunities and experiences that have made me who I am. They selflessly encouraged me to explore new directions in life and seek my own destiny. This journey would not have been possible if not for them, and I dedicate this milestone to them.


I would like to express my gratitude to my parents-in-law XXX and XXX for their unfailing emotional support. I also thank for heart-warming kindness from the family of my brother-in-law: XXX, XXX, XXX and XXX. I deeply thank my parents, XXX and XXX for their unconditional trust, timely encouragement, and endless patience. It was their love that raised me up again when I got weary. The family of my sister, XXX, XXX, XXX and my nephew XXX, have also been generous with their love and encouragement despite the long distance between us.

Thanks to my parents for all the moral support and the amazing chances they’ve given me over the years (not to mention living in the same house as me and John for the past few years in particular). Thanks to my parents for everything. You made me into who I am.

I thank my parents, XXX and XXX, for their continued love and support.

I am especially grateful to my parents, who supported me emotionally and financially. I always knew that you believed in me and wanted the best for me. Thank you for teaching me that my job in life was to learn, to be happy, and to know and understand myself; only then could I know and understand others. Thank you to my mother, Carol Pellegrino, for guiding me as a person, violinist, and teacher and for offering her editing expertise throughout this process.

Thanks to my parents and my sister – it would be an understatement to say that, as a family, we have experienced some ups and downs in the past three years. Every time I was ready to quit, you did not let me and I am forever grateful. This dissertation stands as a testament to your unconditional love and encouragement. [Original source:]

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